Integrated Circuits (ICs) and its Types

Tech Vlsiresearch
2 min readSep 14, 2020


The Electronic age began with the invention of vacuum tubes. This was subsequently replaced with transistors, which have been quicker in use and smaller in size, cost-efficient, less energy-consuming and dependable. You should know about Jack Kilby Nobel prize recognition speech on the integrated circuit invention.

Then came the invention of cells which only revolutionized the use of computers. Integrated circuits (ICs) are used in practically every electronic machine or equipment which we get or use right now like mobiles, TVs, computers, and still toys.

An integrated circuit or IC is a tiny chip of a semiconductor substance that displays a whole circuit on that one. It is extremely limited when related to the specification circuits which are formed of the specific circuit components, about the amount of a fingernail.

Different Types of ICs (Integrated Circuits): -

Analog Integrated Circuits

The Integrated circuits that operate over a constant range of signal are described as Analog ICs.

Digital IC

Most of the Digital ICs are fabricated using Monolithic technology. However, for specific programs, Thick and Thin-film technologies are utilized. Digital ICs Have been instrumental in the recognition of digital systems.

Mixed IC

Mixed In programs that convert analogue information to digital data along with the other way around, you will come across these mixed ICs.

The Whole concept of integrating analogue and digital components on precisely the same chip is much newer than IC technology itself.

Switching ICs

Switching ICs make considerable use of transistors, explained in detail later.

They are Applied just as their name suggests — as aspects of switches, or in-circuit dialect, in switching operations.

Logic ICs

These integrated circuits are intended with logic gates-that work out with binary input as well as output (0 or 1). All these are Mainly applied as decision-makers.

Cantered on the logic or reality table of this logic Gates, each the logic gates attached from the integrated circuit provide an output based on the Circuit connected within the integrated circuit — such that this output is applied for doing a Particular scheduled task.



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